Monday, January 4, 2010

An Angel:Glimpse of Love in Heaven

She passed by with a sweet smile upon her face, something I didn’t quite expect from a stranger that she is. Maybe she was just plain happy and the smile wasn’t really for me. But in a second or so, as she paseed by, I felt rejuvenated from my day’s work just because of that invisible optimism overflowing from within that lady’s soul. I was really in gloom that moment but it rained on the desert of my soul the first time I saw her.

She sat on a bench not so far still smiling, looking around at others as if there were more colors in her vision than that dull, grey scenery the cloudy afternoon offers. I don’t usually stare at people like how I did on this girl. I admit that she’s pretty and radiant despite her eyeglasses. However, I also suppose that any judgmental pair of eyes would find her typical. . .simply ordinary. Hers was like a faint smile that made me assume she was from some tiring work as me. Maybe from school. She looked young. Maybe just as my age. I caught her looking at the sky. I thought she was just observing the clouds, trying to see if it’s going to rain eventually. However, she didn’t stare back to eye level and continued looking up as if waiting for something to fall down. She didn’t change her position for about a minute or so with her legs swinging gently. Her smile changed. It became more enthusiastic, happier, different. Wondering what’s taking her so long staring at the clouds, I also looked up and tried to see what she’s looking at. There was nothing special in the cloudy sky. It was but a space of swirling white and grey clouds. I blinked once or twice hoping that blinking would perhaps clear my vision and make me see whatever it is that made this girl smile differently. I gave up trying to figure things out though and just went back looking at her just to find out that she was already staring at my direction still with that radiant smile of hers. Caught in surprise, I was stunned staring back. And after two blinks or so we then looked down at the same time. I would usually look away and pretend to see nothing when circumstances like that happen to me. But this time, i was caught to this lady’s gaze and the walls I’ve built around me seemed to have fallen down. I thought I was the one trying to come into her world by trying to see through the windows of her soul. Yet again, what happened was the other way around and it seemed that she was the one who saw through me. I wonder what she saw. Did she see the loneliness in my eyes, grey as the cloudy sky she was staring at a while ago? Or was there more colors of my being in her vision? She glanced at her watch and stood up. She had a final glance at the sky and left without a word.

I stared back in the sky and now, I’ve noticed that i’m smiling too already. The clouds are still floating slowly and it seemed that my body is starting to float away with them. I’ve learned that there’s no such thing as “love at first sight.” That concept for me is better known as “lust in first sight.” I started questioning the reason behind the quick thumping of my heart, trying to think deeper, more rational, but the more I try to figure things out, the more I got confused. So, I stood there, smiling, looking into the darkening skies, left in daze. What was so special in the clouds that she saw and made her smile? And why didn’t I see it? Did she had a glimpse of heaven? How could she do that. . .stare at a stranger, smile and pass her radiance, her happiness, a relief from loneliness, a refuge from life’s gloom and misery? Those eyes. . .clear and yet there’s nothing I saw beyond but swirling clouds. . .misty fog. . .geez. . .I found it a little stupid pondering on such insensible questions but that’s all I can think of. . .she’s all i can think of.

I may be uncertain about everything I feel towards that girl after our encounter. I can even hardly tell if I’m going to see her again. Life is full of uncertainties. . .but–I’m sure that she’s no angel–she’s more than that–she’s God’s way of giving me a glimpse of Heaven and I’m taking all my chances to have that glimpse one more time–whatever it takes. . .

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