Looking at the Philippines´ political scene, today´s generation shouts for the genuine change in public governance. The poor becomes poorer and the rich becomes richer, they say. Subversive as I am, both the anti-government and the pro-administration´s overrated accusal against each other looks flimsy in my perspective (if I may not use the word stupid). These flock of urban nesters, who mostly out-of-school are on top of their anger questioning and literally demanding help and aid from the government in the form of food and shelter. Pathetic! Who on Earth might have caused thier own misfortune? The classic parable of "Juan Tamad" (Indolent John) is fundamentally shared to students over the generations to inculcate its moral lesson. A guava fruit will not voluntarily fall into Juan´s hands when he´s hungry. He needs to exert real effort in order to get something. These people might need some tools from the local level to be able to function and make a living though, however when they´re found in the streets marching in protest rather than finding ways to improve their situation; they must be absent, inattentive, or out-of-school when Juan Tamad´s story was taught. I can not merely rely and wait for the goverment´s blessing to shower a house and lot title and expect to feed me and my family for the rest of my life.
The pro-government in other hand is deaf and numb, living in one principle: "To get paid". Can´t hear the scream of truthfulness but one voice, the crocodile´s roar; the mouth that emits money. I -- am -- sorry... They are the stomach that can swallow wickedness. The supposed appropriation allocated to elevate the living standard of every filipino goes to lavish lifestyle expediture. Some people now start to get involve not as laid-back as "Juan Tamad" not to see the abrasive proof of corruption. What´s absurd is that - the one who points a finger to criticize someone happens to see the same person in return. The blot he´s seeing belongs to no one but to himself. Come to notice other people´s filth but not his´.
We can grant candor as ambassadors of goodwill, give chance to "condemn the act rather than the person itself" for special cases, however to people above fifty years old doing the same thing over and over again for two decades running is a diffirent story. I can´t sit in a niche to wait ´till my children get old and suffer the same problem that I tried to fix which has remained broken. I feel compelled to initiate a move, to rectify whatever comes my way that needs correction. "A successful journey always begins with a single step". Influence and a mentality driven to value "change" will start immediately within myself around my surroundings.
It´s hard to live clean, desire for material possession is the culprit that pushes an individual to be dominated by greed. What belongs to Pedro would never go Pedro when "Juan Tamad" turns to "Johnny Greedy". Taking advantage becomes easy to swallow in exchange of personal convenience. This character is cursed everywhere. Let the boss who sucks the privilege of others meet the karma´s vengeance. With the collaboration of today´s generation, the advocacy to tap out the crooked including the old pillars who exercise inequity will fall, not by means of force but a clear drive to inform; educate, and empower the concerned people which would enable them to influence others towards one goal: To achieve equality. Fairness to live without the fear of the street robbers and the worst office thieves, who steal other people´s benefit, and that the indolent citizens stop their government protest exhibit in the streets instead of making a livelihood, to free the traffic - helping the hardworking fellows to get to work on time.
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