Sunday, June 20, 2010


I'm thinking, my blog is already 2 years of age but no one is actually reading it except me and my sister who is currently living in Australia. She's so proud of me that words can't express how much she adores and loves me. I feel the same way to her either, and with that I dedicate this article to her.

My sister is one-of-a-kind! Very gentle and mature, she taught me a lot of things about life. She taught me how to survive and to share and give. Though sometimes quarell are natural to both of us, it never stop us from showing our love and care for each other. Every night I never forget to pray, for her to attain success and happiness, that I would risk my life just to protect her and repay the love and support that she provided me through time being.

I know to myself that it is impossible for me to have a family of my own, but I promise myself that I won't regret it. Why? It is because my sister, my mom and dad; they are my family no matter what. My life is not as interesting as the others. I don't have an award to show off or knowledge to share, and even money to brag, but one thing is for sure, I have a family that I can count on.

Things never happened the same way twice, and people live their lives bound by what they see as "right" and "true," that's what they called "reality." However, "right" and "true" are nothing but vague terms, and their reality could turn out to be an illusion. Everyone is living by their own assumption, just like me. I thought that I could attain success easily just by having an instant job and money. But as I have metioned before, things are not permanent unless the things that you really want are the one's you are doing. Life is not permanent, though I'm still young to do a lot of things in life, we can never tell when to let go or when to live. Knowing the fact that no one would read this blog except me or my sister, that's fine, as long as I can put my thought and my ideas here and maybe someday,,, someday, someone or many people can read this to realize that life itself is a blessing. I'm not even half way through success, but only perseverance shall true strength be gained.  I remember when one of my friends said that I have great potential in life, that I could easily attain success because of my personality and skills. But in reality, I'm suffering, because I really don't know my talent and skills, and I'm having an identity crisis. I don't know where I'm good at, and I don't know where I belong. I'm lost, and my path has too much obstacles that it seems impossible for me to finish. Sometimes I want to give up and just let it be. Let things happen and go to the flow of life without even thinking about the future and my next move.

I've dreamed of a world where everyone is happy, without fear and chaos. Even I, can see that there is so much hate in this world, and I wanted to do something about it. Yet I'm not sure what must be done, but I have faith that there will come a time when people can truly understand one another. It all sounds complicated, and if ever that I'm not going to find the answer, perhaps, I will entrust the young one's to find it. I really hope that they'll do!  I really hope... :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Here we go again! With my favorite anime in the world, Naruto.  I was actually impressed with the flow of the story; from being the hated one to a hero. The reason why I'm writing this article is because people who watched, collect or simply reads this anime have forgotten the exact thought of it.

With my understanding in such, meanings and ideas are all over it. It talked about war and peace between different nations.  Some may seen this as fictional, others just like me sees this as reality. By just watching this anime, I then realized that we cannot attain peace if people are too ambitious on getting the things that they wanted; immortality, power and glory. It is impossible to attain peace without war, but it is possible to attain war without peace. In the history of our world, we have never attain peace, it is all about war and brutality between others. Time may run fast but disaster are becoming outrageous. I know for the fact that people who can survive in this cruel life are the one's who had experienced pain, pain that they can't let go and pain that is inside them. They want to prove something, that despite the things that they'd experienced, they never give up. They used PAIN to overcome and survive, as what they say, "sometimes anger can make you survive, and so as hope and love." We can use pain as our handicap but we cannot use "giving up" as an alibi to just let your life out of purpose. Just like what I learned in this anime, despite the fear and hatred, Naruto never give up and use his friends as an inspiration to attain and live long. At first, many people would hate him becasue they all thought that he's a monster and there's a monster living in his body, but he became an inspiration to his comrades, he shows love and care, friendship and courage can really make a big difference. Just like life itself!

When his mentor told him that he never changed and remain as idiot as ever, I'm impressed with Naruto when he said that "I'd rather be an idiot than to be smart and show no feelings to others," with that simple and precise words, determination was all over me. I don't care what other people say, as long as I can show goodness, love and encouragement to others, then everything will be fine. It may seem unpractical, but this  can really make a big change.  Life is all about suffering, it makes you cry and laugh, it can tear you up or build you, but things can be otherwise if you know how to stand up from your pain and giving it a purpose. I lived believing that my failure would build my character and that they were trials that honed my skills and in the end, I would accomplished a deed so great that it would obliterate all of my failure, and I'd die a death worthy of a true hero.  Remember that everything happens for a reason, just like Naruto, things in his life changed, it is not always about suffering because life is a cycle of being, you may be at the top of the world for a minute but it can change and it can bring you down.  The true meaning of life is now how knowledgeable or how rich you are, the most important thing is to have the will and the guts to never give up. Never go back on your words, and teach others the things that you learned in life. Just try to hold on and move forward, but still learn from your past mistakes, at that point, things can surprise you, just like Naruto! :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


What fundamentally separates man from any other in the animal world is the intellect Nature has given him whos creative potential and capacity are limitless. It is a gift that allows him to transcend what is ordinarily impossible. It is the only singular tool which helps him overcome the challenges of man and nature and attain "progress," which is the essence of culture and the subject of history.

This article is for the celebration of one of the most historical day in the Philippine History, "the Philippine Independece"- in which without the mark of this history, Filipinos would cease to exist. The freedom and independence in which the various groups (Katipunan, Katagalugan, etc.) were the characteristics that marked importantly the thoughts and actions of people in societies and therefore, were what constituted the primary aims of social unity in our level.

Different heroes marked the beggining of the newly government thru Aguinaldo, colonized once more by the Americans and Japanese. Despite all odds, Filipinos had never failed to established the spirit of nationalism and the importance of sacrifices and independence. As what Dr. Jose Rizal's vision were, he had declared explicitly that "our sacred mission" is the formation of the Filipino nation. And so, he had called on his fellow expatriates to come home to fight for the nation, the Philippines. The great puzzle for us is that when the moment of truth came in 1896, rather than leading the revolution, Rizal allowed himself to be arrested, and, while awaiting his inevitable death sentence, condemened the revolution. Yes! That is correct! Rizal condemned the revolution. He had enough of brutality, killings and unfair treatment to the Filipinos. Thus, his death led to the Philippine Revolution.

All countries had independence. All that marked there own identity. I hope that this historical day would make sense to everyone. That in this day, the people who had sacrificed are the ones to be thanked and to honored. In this respect, every man has a philosophy, whether conscious or unconcious; and every people has an ideology, whether articulated or not.


Friday, June 4, 2010


I wouldn't expect that one of my BARKADA (or group of friends) is pregnant. This was base on my friend's Dad. A while ago her dad talked to my dad to ask me to talk to my pregnant friend because she was planning to stop studying. Though I'm not on her position to judge or even tell her that she's making a big mistake, I'm thinking that it would be better if I let her decide if she still wants to continue her studying or not.

To tell you the truth, I really don't know what to feel. There's this thing inside me that I should be happy because at last I'm gonna be a "fake uncle". nyahahah but perhaps when her dad talked to my dad about there situation at home that her dad was like blaming himself to the things that happened to her daughter, I felt like I'm being selfish to the situation. I know that they are suffering, but time would make up to this problem and after a while, your family would still be there to guide and help you out in this kind of situation.

Just remember that in every challenges, the best thing to do is to never give up. And know that der are people who can help you or support you.